Pocket Option промокод на отмену убыточной сделки 10$! | Страница 336 | Форум по Бинарным Опционам - Binaryforum.ru

Pocket Option промокод на отмену убыточной сделки 10$!

binary options

Возможно, так и будет. Я тоже помню что изначально отмена предлагали за 3$. Что была приемлемая цена. Даже помоему весь комплект промокодов стоил по 3$
А почему Вас цена 5 дол. не устраивает? Если рассматривать разовую акцию, купил и всё, возможно это и дороговато. А если смотреть масштабнее, например в итоге можно отменить ВСЕ убыточные сделки по 10 дол. за всю историю торговли! И начать можно буквально 1-2 отмен убыточных сделок, а это максимум 10 долларов.
Hey, I see a lot of people are discussing my shop (POGifts.com) and a lot of people are having trouble paying.

The problem is that the store is placed on Shopify, and unfortunately this site blocks all transactions from customers from Russia. I have no control over this and am working on alternative payment methods.

The site went live earlier this month and I'm experimenting with pricing. In my opinion, the price for Risk Free is fair because you can buy as many promo codes as you like and earn $5 each time.

The gems were mispriced and I made changes. Now the prices are much more attractive. Over the next 2 months, the store will be more price stable. I'm sorry if I didn't answer all the questions sent to me, but there are a lot of them lately and it's hard for me to answer them all.

Sorry, I don't speak russian so I decided to comment in english :)
Hey, I see a lot of people are discussing my shop (POGifts.com) and a lot of people are having trouble paying.

The problem is that the store is placed on Shopify, and unfortunately this site blocks all transactions from customers from Russia. I have no control over this and am working on alternative payment methods.

The site went live earlier this month and I'm experimenting with pricing. In my opinion, the price for Risk Free is fair because you can buy as many promo codes as you like and earn $5 each time.

The gems were mispriced and I made changes. Now the prices are much more attractive. Over the next 2 months, the store will be more price stable. I'm sorry if I didn't answer all the questions sent to me, but there are a lot of them lately and it's hard for me to answer them all.

Sorry, I don't speak russian so I decided to comment in english :)
Благодарю за компетентный исчерпывающий ответ. Приятно, что Вы в теме.
Hey, I see a lot of people are discussing my shop (POGifts.com) and a lot of people are having trouble paying.

The problem is that the store is placed on Shopify, and unfortunately this site blocks all transactions from customers from Russia. I have no control over this and am working on alternative payment methods.

The site went live earlier this month and I'm experimenting with pricing. In my opinion, the price for Risk Free is fair because you can buy as many promo codes as you like and earn $5 each time.

The gems were mispriced and I made changes. Now the prices are much more attractive. Over the next 2 months, the store will be more price stable. I'm sorry if I didn't answer all the questions sent to me, but there are a lot of them lately and it's hard for me to answer them all.

Sorry, I don't speak russian so I decided to comment in english :)

Implement usdt payment
Hey, I see a lot of people are discussing my shop (POGifts.com) and a lot of people are having trouble paying.

The problem is that the store is placed on Shopify, and unfortunately this site blocks all transactions from customers from Russia. I have no control over this and am working on alternative payment methods.

The site went live earlier this month and I'm experimenting with pricing. In my opinion, the price for Risk Free is fair because you can buy as many promo codes as you like and earn $5 each time.

The gems were mispriced and I made changes. Now the prices are much more attractive. Over the next 2 months, the store will be more price stable. I'm sorry if I didn't answer all the questions sent to me, but there are a lot of them lately and it's hard for me to answer them all.

Sorry, I don't speak russian so I decided to comment in english :)
Если какой-либо товар распродан, означает ли это, что он появится только в следующем месяце? Или товар может появится в наличии в любой момент.
Если какой-либо товар распродан, означает ли это, что он появится только в следующем месяце? Или товар может появится в наличии в любой момент.
Promo codes are limited each month. This means that if stocks run out, you have to wait until the next month for an update
Промокоды ограничены каждый месяц. Это означает, что если запасы закончатся, вам придется ждать обновления до следующего месяца.
Ограничения по количеству промокодов одной покупкой есть? Если я к примеру захочу купить 300 промокодов за раз, это возможно?